Star Trek: Attack Wing Wiki
*Muroc (4) Crew Upgrade
Faction Vulcan / Federation
Included in D'Kyr Expansion / Wave 5
Action: Discard this card to target a ship at Range 1-2 and roll 2 attack dice. For every Hit and Critical hit result, disable 1 Active Shield on the target ship. IF the target ship is Cloaked, a Hit result flips that ship's Cloak Token over to its red side.

Muroc (Vulcan/Federation Crew)

D'Kyr - D'Kyr Class (Cost 26)


  • Crew Upgrade
  • Vulcan/Federation
  • Cost: 4
  • Action: Discard this card to target a ship at Range 1-2 and roll 2 attack dice. For every Hit and Critical hit result, disable 1 Active Shield on the target ship. IF the target ship is Cloaked, a Hit result flips that ship's Cloak Token over to its red side.